Saturday 12 March 2016

Six Sigma Project - Analyse Phase

Six Sigma Project - Analyse Phase
Assembly and test capacity expansion.

Analyse Phase
The purpose of the analyse phase is to analyse the data and information collected during the define and measure phases to identify where improvements can be made. This entry in the blog will show how the team carried out the analysis.

MURI Analysis
During the Measure phase it was established that Test Bay A which has the bespoke flow rig is the constraint at 34.1 hours total time per unit. The team carried out the future state work breakdown analysis to identify if the work load could be rearranged so that Test Bay A would not be overburdened (MURI). It was established that many of the tests being carried out in the test bay could be carried out elsewhere. The future state work breakdown structure below (Fig 10) shows that the time in Test Bay A bay could be reduced to 17.5 total hours per unit.
Fig 10: Future State Work Breakdown Structure, Click image to enlarge.
Future State Value Stream Map (FSVSM)
The future state value stream map below (Fig 11) was created from the data analysed in the work breakdown structure. This FSVSM will now be the target going forward and the work routings will be modified to match this new value stream. A plan will be put in place to move the Current State value Stream Map (CSVSM) in line with the FSVSM.

Fig 11: Future State Value Stream Map, Click image to enlarge.
Future State Production Drum Rope Diagram
A new production drum rope diagram (Fig 12) was generated from the FSVSM to show that the second, third and subsequent units should be scheduled to start at 30 hour intervals to ensure no clash of resources. The product will no longer have to wait in inventory before the Test Bay A constraint.

Fig 12: Future State Production Drum Rope Diagram, Click image to enlarge.
New Equipment
The team identified the requirement for new equipment in the measure phase that fell into the implement quadrant of the Benefit Versus Effort chart. As these items are "Just Do It" items the team immediately started the procurement process. The concept images of the new equipment are shown below in Fig 13 and Fig 14. The new automated flow rig will replace the old manual flow rig at Test Bay A. The new assembly fixtures will allow more that one item to be assembled at a time.

Fig 13: Flow Rig.

Fig 14: Assembly Fixture.

Next Steps

The team have now completed the first three phases of the DMAIC process. (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control), The team will now move forward to the Improve phase. 

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